Wolf-in-Skins is an original dance-opera choreographed by Christopher Williams and composed by Gregory Spears. Inspired by ancient mythic themes found in medieval Welsh literature, the work’s libretto, written by Williams, bears witness to the initiation rite of a central hero character grappling with identity via bouts with supernatural agency, otherworldly passage, and transformation. Driven by choreographed operatic sequences supported by narration, the work combines live music, dance, puppetry, and visual design to re-imagine lost mythology as a staged ritual. Costumes are by Andrew Jordan & Ciera Wells, lighting by Joe Levasseur, and sets by Michael Wang & Tom Lee.
Wolf-in-Skins Performance
Choreography: Christopher Williams
Music: Gregory Spears
Libretto: Christopher Williams
Costume Designs for the “Menfolk”: Ciera Wells
Costume Designs for the “Fay”: Andrew Jordan
Set Design: Michael Wang and Tom Lee
Lighting Design: Joe Levasseur