

gif stills from Eidolon: Raven Sequence (2013)

…But every night I see the rubbery things, 
Black, horned, and slender, with membranous wings…

……………………………..From Night-Gaunts by H.P. Lovecraft

ink and dust

Some exciting images from a new project with Cori Olinghouse, Ghost Lines.
…looking for new ways to rehearse and understand what we’re creating…

click to enlarge

[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/27151530 w=725&h=408]

[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/27090425 w=725&h=408]

Directed by Cori Olinghouse
Improvisations by Cori Olinghouse and Eva Schmidt
Costume/ Photography by Andy Jordan

Time Capsule

Jillian Mayer… brilliant

I Am Your Grandma
Lyrics and Video: Jillian Mayer

Musical Score: Michael John Hancock
Director of Photography: Daniel Fernandez
Costumes and Masks: Wildchild World
Assistant Director/ Co-Producer/Editor: Lucas Leyva

Happy Holidays

Some holiday cheer from Joseph Keckler; his new Talking Beast video is so much fun.

Joseph asked me to be in his video and what fun it was! I’d run around town anytime with this beast posse.


Talking Beast -from Joseph Keckler’s EP, Featured Creatures. Based on the pre-Christian legend that at midnight on (the day now known as) Christmas Eve, animals suddenly acquire the power of speech.