Reliquaries and Mother Goddess Figures
I have reliquaries and “venus” figures on the brain…
Studio shot of the paper mache reliquaries in process
Christopher working on the inside of “Flosshilde.”
A few days ago I took a trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to do research.
Outer Coffin of Kharushere
Virgin and Child Reliquary, French, 1170-1200
The Visitation, German, 1310-20
Bust of Saint Yrieix, French, 1220-40 (Made to house his skull)
Voluptuous ladies from the past, your silhouettes still inspire.
Venus of Lespugue (resides in France, at the Musée de l’Homme)
Venus of Willendorf (resides in Austria, at the Naturhistorisches Museum)
A Mother Goddess (resides in Turkey, at the Ankara Museum)